10 Laws of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing
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What are the 10 Laws of Social Media Marketing?

Are you on the lookout to increase traffic to your business through social media marketing? Look out for these 10 laws of Social Media Marketing that will change your marketing all for good! Make it a point to abide by them or at least have them in mind to chalk out your marketing plan. Here you go

  1. Law of Listening: Remember that listening is more important than indulging in one-sided communication. Plan out your strategy where you focus majorly on listening and making conversations that encourage the participation of the target audiences.
  2. Law of Focus:  The better the focus on the objective, the better the chances of the marketing strategy being a success. Keep in mind to follow the key objectives of the organization and chalk out a plan that is highly in line with the focus.
  3. Law of Quality – It’s high time that marketers need to understand the importance of quality over the importance of quantity. It’s always better to have a limited audience that is engaged rather than having a large number of audiences that are not engaging at all. Focus on Quality and you are already halfway there.
  4. Law of Patience: Social Media Marketing can never be a success overnight. You just need to stay calm and keep putting in regular engaging content. Eventually, patience will pay you major benefits. Keep in mind to not fret but to be consistent.
  5. Law of Compounding: Always try to keep your content engaging so much so that in a way compounding helps you get entry points from search engines. Like if you post something really engaging and the same has been posted across platforms, it will get you entry points from search engines and make you FAMOUS!
  6. Law of Influence: Influencer marketing is key today. Keep a check on who can be your perspective influencer and try being in contact with them, invite them to events and keep them pampered for good. Induce them to share your content with their followers and get some good brownie points.
  7. Law of Value: If you talking brand online, stop it right away! Try and add value to your conversations that are engaging enough to influence people to keep tagging your page. Also, running a blog with interesting and current affairs can help you sparkle, all for good!
  8. Law of Acknowledgement: Unlike being ignorant, make sure you are always available to indulge in conversations with the audience. Make sure to respond to each query or suggestion and acknowledge every comment.
  9. Law of Accessibility: For a marketing strategy to be a success one of the major things that you need to keep in mind is that you have to be accessible to your audiences. Be consistent in publishing content and achieve a quick response rate.
  10. Law of Reciprocity: You cannot be mean in the business of marketing and cannot expect other businesses to share your content and you not doing the same for them. Indulge in reciprocity and make a difference.

So, looking at the need of the hour; every social media marketing agency or in-house digital marketer needs to be a pro in managing social media strategies. While keeping these 10 interesting and super important laws can help to keep up with social media trends we are sure your strategies will be a hit big time! All the Best!

With inputs from Entrepreneur Network!