Ever wondered why children’s books are full of images and colourful pictures?
The answer is but obvious, it helps children to engage more and explain complicated concepts better than text alone.
Whether you are reading a story or a blog, the lesson remains the same.
A BuzzSumo analysis represented that articles with images every 75-100 words tend to get double the social media shares of articles with fewer images. Text-based content is always going to be an integral part of marketing, but to really set yourself apart in the digital era, visual content must play a pivotal role in all of your efforts. So, it becomes clear that visuals such as images, videos or infographics should be integrated into your content marketing strategy.
In a survey covering 300 online marketers, where they were asked to express how integral the use of visual content would be to their marketing strategies in 2017, the following was the response:
- 8% stated that the use of visual content was absolutely necessary to their marketing strategy.
- 7% said that visual content was very important for their marketing strategies in 2017.
- 5% said it was just important.
- Only 1.3% claimed that visual content was not important at all to their marketing strategy.
Needless to say, the data says it all.
Visual content marketing has certainly become the hottest digital trends and those who are adopting it, are undoubtedly doing wonders. Moreover, with the ever-increasing popularity of visual social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest etc., businesses are getting more exposure and ways to amplify their content marketing. It doesn’t matter if your marketing is social, paid or native, influenced, programmatic or otherwise, visual content is the core element that needs to tie all your strategies together.
Below is a list of benefits, that one is ought to reap from visual content marketing:
- Helps to Grab the Attention of Target Audience: 2 million videos are uploaded every day – 85% of internet users in the US watch online videos
- Visuals Get Processed Faster Than Text: It is said the human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than it takes to decode text.
- Visual Content Makes Up 93% of All Human Communication: 90% of information that enters the brain is practically non-verbal – 40% of users online provide better and more favourable responses to visual content rather than a text-based content.
- Generates More Views and Engagement: Posts with images and graphics get 94% more views – use of visual content in Facebook campaigns generates 65% more engagement.
- Increase Subscribers and Followers: 37% increase in engagements is seen from the targeted audience if the article/blog is optimized by adding compelling visual elements.
- Audiences Tend to Stay Longer: When it comes to visual content, people tend to spend more time online.
So, one can say that text and graphics, if used alone, may seem to be lacking forms of communication, whereas combining visual elements with well-written text can certainly be your ticket for capturing the imagination and attention of targeted audiences.
Let’s have a look at some campaigns, conducted by famous brands, depicting the rise and success of visual content marketing.
Flipkart captured the perfect moment in the form of a visual, that ended to be the top news.
Just when Leonardo Di Caprio was winning the long-awaited Oscar for the movie “The Revenant”, Flipkart was busy creating visual content.
Similarly, the day Juno entered Jupiter, more than NASA’s win, it became a real-time win for Flipkart who picked up the buzz in this witty creative.
The posts, undoubtedly, got innumerable views and huge engagement. Such is the power of visual content marketing.
Visual content taps into the visceral psyche of your audience, encouraging them to discover more about your brand. If you can generate high-quality visual content which truly resonates with people and promote it on a regular basis, the reputation and awareness of your brand are sure to skyrocket.