What is Social Commerce and Why Should Your Brand Care?

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Social commerce is the next big thing for brands to integrate into their strategies. Social commerce or social media eCommerce combines social media and traditional e-commerce, making it a natural evolution of social media. Unlike traditional e-commerce, the consumer is inspired to buy by their peers and friends via social commerce platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc. Whether this inspiration comes from seeing an image of someone wearing something they like or reading a review of a product posted by someone they trust, people are more likely to buy things when they see someone else using them and presumably enjoying them than if they were just looking at it online on its own. This means that brands must learn how to use social marketing or social media strategy for eCommerce effectively if they want to capture their audience’s attention and get them buying!

Social Commerce for Brands

Social Commerce is the next big thing in the e-commerce industry 

Social commerce is the next big thing in e-commerce. It’s a natural evolution of social media and a powerful tool for brands, it isn’t at all the same as what we call “social media” today. Social commerce is the future of brands online, and it’s not just about selling products—it’s about building brand loyalty. Let’s discuss the points briefly and find out why your brand should care.

Social Commerce is a natural evolution of social media

Social commerce is an extension of social media. It’s a natural evolution of the way we engage with brands, and it has been accelerated by the rise of mobile.

In the past, social media was more about gathering information and learning about products than it was about buying things. But now people are sharing their opinions and experiences through social platforms—and that content can inform purchasing decisions just as much (if not more) than traditional advertising.

Unlike traditional e-commerce, with social commerce, the consumer is inspired to buy by their peers and friends.

Social media has become one of the most important platforms for brands to connect with consumers and sell products online, but brands are still looking for ways to interact with their customers beyond simply sharing content and messaging them on Facebook or Twitter. Social commerce gives them the chance to do just that by providing an entirely new way for consumers to connect with retailers through word-of-mouth marketing.

Social commerce occurs when people share their experiences about what they purchased online—or even offline—and encourage others within their network to buy something too, usually in real-time. This process allows consumers who may not have heard about a brand before an opportunity to learn more about it through friends who have already purchased from it—making it easier than ever before for businesses across all industries from beauty products companies like Sephora or Birchbox Beauty.

Social commerce is the future of brands online.

Social commerce is the future of brands online—and it’s here to stay. Social media has evolved into a platform where people are sharing their experiences with products and services, creating a new type of word-of-mouth advertising that doesn’t rely on traditional advertising platforms like TV or print ads.

This trend has transformed the way people shop online, making them more likely to buy something that they’ve heard about from their friends or family members.

The idea of social commerce has been around for a while now but it’s only recently that we’ve seen its growth skyrocket in popularity across all platforms—especially Instagram and Snapchat!

What does this mean for your brand? If you want your product lines to continue growing at an exponential rate then you need to start capitalising on this opportunity now before someone else beats you to it!

With the increase in mobile technology, half of the social commerce traffic comes from mobile devices.

Social commerce is a natural progression of social media. While it may seem like a new way to shop, the practice of buying and selling through social networks has been around for some time. The increase in mobile technology, however, has changed the way people interact with one another, as well as how they shop.

Today more than 50% of social commerce traffic comes from mobile devices—a huge jump from just 7% in 2013. And while this may sound like bad news for brands who are still trying to figure out how to best reach their customers via mobile, it’s actually quite beneficial: Mobile traffic accounts for only 18% of total online sales compared with desktop’s 82%, which means that there is still plenty of room for growth in the sphere of digital shopping channels!

Customers are more likely to trust the content that has been posted by their peer group on social networks.

Social commerce is a new way to sell online. It’s a natural evolution of social media, where people are used to interacting with brands and informally discussing purchases. Social commerce offers a more intimate connection between businesses and consumers than traditional eCommerce websites. A survey by McKinsey found that customers who used social networks before buying were more likely to trust information posted there than they did information found on corporate websites or through advertising channels.

Social commerce is powerful and if you’re not already integrating it into your strategy you need to start now.

As a brand, social commerce is about more than just running ads and posting content on social networks—it’s about engaging with your customers through their peer group.

Today, brands are using influencers to promote products by giving them access to exclusive deals, discounts or early access before they go on sale; customers are asking friends for advice on what items they should buy online before making purchases themselves, and retailers like Amazon have expanded their platform by integrating one-click ordering directly from Facebook for any product you see in your newsfeed — even if it wasn’t originally advertised there!

The Bottom Line

Social commerce has become extremely important, and brands that are not jumping on board will soon find themselves left behind. The good news is that there are plenty of tools available that can help you get started with social commerce; it just takes some research and planning.

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